How to Facebook friend list privacy iPhone | S@JEEL JUTT

How you connect

You can customize the privacy settings for how people find
you on Facebook.
  1. Open the Facebook app on your iPhone or iPad.

  2. Tap the Menu icon at the bottom right of the screen.
  3.  It looks like three lines on top of each other (☰).
  4. Scroll down and tap Settings from the list of menu options.

  5. Tap Account Settings from the popup window.
  6. Tap the menu icon, then tap settings, then  tap account settings
    1. Tap Privacy.

    2. Select a subject for which you want to customize your
      privacy settings.

    3. Select the level of privacy.
    4. Tap Privacy, tap a subject, select a level of privacy
    5. Privacy levels can range from Everyone to Only me.
    6.  Some sections offer more options, like the ability to 
    7. select a specific group, while others only have two options,
    8.  like Everyone or Friends of Friends. It's up to you to decide
    9.  which privacy setting you are most comfortable with in 
    10. each subject.

How to Facebook friend list privacy android phone | S@JEEL JUTT

Here is how you can prevent unknown profile visitors from viewing your friend
 list using an Android smartphone:

  1. Turn on your Android phone.
  2. From the home screen, tap the Menu button to go to the apps list.
  3. From the available apps, tap your favorite browser icon (E.g. Chrome) and open

  4. If you are not already signed in, on the opened window, provide your login
     details in the appropriate fields and tap the login button.

  5. Since the PC version of Facebook site is needed to open on the mobile
     web browser (Google Chrome for this demonstration), after opening and
     logging in to your Facebook account on your mobile, in the address bar,
    remove the initial m.’ from the Facebook URL.

  6. Once done, tap the Go button on the keyboard to open the PC
     version of the site.

  7. After the PC version of Facebook opens up, on the Home page
    of your Facebook account, click on your Name next to the home button.

  8. On your accounts timeline profile, click on the Friends option
    below your cover picture.

  9. On the Friends page, click on the Manage Sections button
     which has a pencil-like symbol on it, the button is present
     on the right side on the screen.

  10. 10. Click the pencil like button and you will see two options,
     click on the Edit Privacy option.

    11. On the edit privacy window, select Only Me from the
    drop-down list of options that shows Who can see my friends list option.

    12. Once the work is done, click on the Close button to save
    the changes and to close the opened box.
  12.                                                                                              S@JEEL JUTT

How to facebook friend list privacy browser | S@JEEL JUTT

At first, login to your Facebook account and then go to your Facebook profile page.

Then, there you will see Friends option, just click on it. It opens the list of your all Facebook friends.

Then click on the Manage button which looks like a pencil.

After clicking on manage button, you will Edit privacy option. Click on it and it opens a new popup box where you can find different privacy options.

After clicking on the edit privacy, you will see Friend List option at the top position, and on the right side, you will find a Public option. Then click on it, and you will see a drop-down menu. From there just select the Only me option and click on it. At last click on done button to save the new settings.
I hope this helps.
                                                                                                                     S@JEEL JUTT