How to Facebook friend list privacy iPhone | S@JEEL JUTT

How you connect

You can customize the privacy settings for how people find
you on Facebook.
  1. Open the Facebook app on your iPhone or iPad.

  2. Tap the Menu icon at the bottom right of the screen.
  3.  It looks like three lines on top of each other (☰).
  4. Scroll down and tap Settings from the list of menu options.

  5. Tap Account Settings from the popup window.
  6. Tap the menu icon, then tap settings, then  tap account settings
    1. Tap Privacy.

    2. Select a subject for which you want to customize your
      privacy settings.

    3. Select the level of privacy.
    4. Tap Privacy, tap a subject, select a level of privacy
    5. Privacy levels can range from Everyone to Only me.
    6.  Some sections offer more options, like the ability to 
    7. select a specific group, while others only have two options,
    8.  like Everyone or Friends of Friends. It's up to you to decide
    9.  which privacy setting you are most comfortable with in 
    10. each subject.

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